Wakanda is Real 

wakanda is real Book cover, has a black panter face on a green background with the title in light green letters on the panters face

Paleo -Science, The Mysteries of Creation, revealed by our African Ancestors as preserved in the oral scripture of traditional Yoruba culture called Odu Ifà
By Awo Falokun Fatunmbi






Scientific America published an article in Vol. 266, No.4 (April 1992) by Allan C. Wilson and Rebecca L. Cain stating every human being alive today is the descendant of a single east African woman who lived 200,000 years ago. The immediate implication of this study was and is a serious challenge to the notion of race. The challenge is based on the idea that if humanity comes from a common point of origin, then the idea of different races has no basis in the realm of science.

In 1990 the Human Genome Project was funded by Microsoft with seed money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Some genetic researchers associated with the project have rejected the theory of African Genesis and insist on using the data from this research project to re-affirm the validity of the idea of “racial differences.” The problem with this challenge to the African Genesis theory of human DNA is that the Genome Project allows researchers to patient their discoveries. The ability to patient a scientific discovery comes with the ability to restrict access to scientific research. This means information can be withheld from public scrutiny. Withholding scientific data is the anti-thesis of the scientific process. It places greed above the value of learning.

What this means in simple terms is the academics who refute the research of Wilson and Cain are basing their challenge on data that excludes the possibility of peer review. That is always the consequence of censorship.

Why does this matter?

It should be obvious any effort to justify “racism” based on bad science feeds fuel to a world view based on a false premise. It is the basis for a wide range of self-serving political agendas leading to violence, warfare, and the desire to control others.

Setting aside the obvious fallacy of the biological argument for “racism”, let us examine the distortion of the historical record. Western academic historians tell us culture originated in ancient Greece. The problem with this theory is the ancient Greeks tell us the origins of science, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, engineering, and ethics has its origins in Africa.

The question is who do we believe? Do we believe the ancient Greeks who actually studied in Africa and said so? Do we believe the modern-day academics who refuse to continue to support the false notion Africa has not ever produced anything of value?

For those who understand the process of critical thinking, this is not a difficult choice.

The need to perpetuate Afro-phobic ideas appears to be deeply rooted in matrophobia or the fear of guidance from women. The fundamental symptom of all phobic behavior is the avoidance of experiences that trigger the intrusion of the fear response. In the past 200 years over 60% of the resources used by non-African countries comes from Africa. This depletion of resources has occurred with little or no compensation for the people who live in Africa. Even the most superficial analysis of this situation makes it clear it is being justified by ideas rooted in the biased, non-substantiated and non-critical narrative that calls itself academic history.

The same uncritical, myopic ideas used to justify “racism” are frequently used to justify sexism and homophobia.

These ideas carry inherent destructive implications to the point where they now challenge the ability of humans to survive on the planet.

Historically ineffective ideas threatening survival have been challenged by what could be called the artistic impulse. It is the creative expression of a transcendent idea in symbolic form.

The Film Black Panther is an artistic challenge to non-critical, non-substantiated ideas rooted in racism. It is a fictional account of the true origins of global culture, including the origins of a widely known and widely understood science deliberately removed from popular consciousness for the purpose of keeping it in the hands of the few who control the many.

May the inspiration of this film lead to a reclamation of an understanding of true history and may that reclamation lead to the healing needed for culture to reflect the inner essence of the human spirit.

Ire, ase.

Awo Falokun Fatunmbi Omo Egbe Ifà Ògúnti Ode Remo

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