Wakanda is Real 

wakanda is real Book cover, has a black panter face on a green background with the title in light green letters on the panters face

Paleo -Science, The Mysteries of Creation, revealed by our African Ancestors as preserved in the oral scripture of traditional Yoruba culture called Odu Ifà
By Awo Falokun Fatunmbi




Chapter 1 
The Retention of Advanced Science in Ancient Africa Cultures


Across the continent of Africa there is a common use of mathematics, geometry, and ontology at the foundation of what could be described as a collective form of ancient science known among alternative historical researchers as paleo-science. A study of almost any traditional Africa culture points to similar scientific theories of Creation, Evolution, and the expansion of consciousness.

There is virtually no recognition of this cross-culture phenomena in western academia. This means it is a subject that has not been researched and it means data to prove this point is not easily available. The best way to work around this lack of data is to take one culture and study it in dept. This can then become the basis for comparison between African Culture.

Larid Scranton, who is an independent researcher, has started the process of the cross-cultural examination of ancient scientific ideas through the use of language analysis. The science of language analysis is based on proven concepts that transcend the myopic explanations of a race based historical examination of the foundations of science and culture.

In book the linguistic studies documented by Larid Scranton will be used to describe the scientific world view of ancient Yoruba culture. It is the contention of this book that the symbolic references to scientific ideas found in traditional Yoruba oral history match perfecting the artistic description of lIfé in Wakanda as presented in the film Black Panther. Based on the deliberate distortion of African history this is a difficult premise to accept.

That does not mean it is not true.

Yoruba culture developed in what is now Southwestern Nigeria, portions of Benin and Cameroon. The culture was split by National Boundaries when European Colonialists created arbitrary borders for African countries at a conference Berlin in 1884. The conference was requested by Portugal and organized by German chancellor Otto von Bismarck. The purpose of the conference was to replace over 1,000 traditional African governments with 50 countries whose boundaries were determined on the basis of European exploitation of natural resources and not on pre-existing culturally based geography and history. One of the guiding principles behind this European political manipulation was to group together cultures in conflict as an element of control based on the tactic of divide and conquer.

The countries involved in this conference included Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, German, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Turkey, and the United States. The decisions made during the conference were imposed on the people of Africa through military intervention.

No Africans were allowed to participate in the creation of countries on their own land.

An additional element of European colonialism in the years following the Berlin Conference was a systematic effort to denigrate all aspects of traditional Africa culture. This denigration was based on the need to justify both slavery, and the theft of raw materials from the African Continent. This deception was so thorough and effective, most people living today cannot imagine anything of cultural value having originated in Africa.

In simple terms, racist ideas were used by academia to justify racist ideas.

As an example, the Apartheid government of South Africa made it illegal to teach the idea Africans lived in South Africa prior to the use of the region as a penal colony for England. Evidence to the contrary was systematically excluded from public education. There is in South Africa over one million megalithic structure built from huge stones with clear coding of metaphysical information. Academia refers to these structures as “cattle corals.” If you look at these structures the descriptions are silly yet remain unchallenged.

The majority of schools set up by Europeans in Africa in the nineteenth century used the Bible as their primary text. Funding for archaeological exploration on the continent to this day is nearly non-existent outside of Egypt. The word of various Christian publishers to create dictionaries for the translation of the Bible into Africa dialects invariably insert Christian concepts to “define” non-Christian ideas.

Prior to the Berlin Conference of 1886, European schools taught the idea ancient Greek culture was influenced by ancient Egyptian and Phoenician sources. Both of these cultures had multi-cultural elements and were fundamentally Africa. The African influence on Greek culture was taught based on the statements from early Greek philosophers who said their training came from mystery schools located in Egypt. Sculptures of Phoenician sailors clearly show what appears to be a blending of African and Middle Eastern cultures.

The rejection of European academic belief in the connection between Greece and Africa took place in the years between 1890 and 1935. This shift is documented in a three-volume study called Black Athena by Martin Bernal. According to the Wikipedia summary of Bernal’s books there were four reasons for the rejection of African influence on Greek and European culture:

The Christian reaction. Already Martin Luther had fought the Church of Rome with the Greek Testament. Greek was seen as a sacred Christian tongue which Protestants could plausibly claim was more Christian than Latin. Many French students of Ancient Greece in the 17th century were brought up as Huguenots. The study of Ancient Greece especially in Protestant countries created an alliance between Greece and Protestant Christianity which tended to exclude other influences.

The idea of progress. The antiquity of Egypt and Mesopotamia had previously made those civilizations particularly worthy of respect and admiration, but the emergence of the idea of progress portrayed later civilizations as more advanced and therefore better. Earlier cultures came to be seen as based on superstition and dogmatism.

Racism. The Atlantic slave trade and later European colonialism required the intellectual justification of racism. It became paramount to divorce Africans and Africa from high civilization, and Egypt from Africa itself. Ancient Greeks would be divorced from Ancient Egypt through the concept of the Greek Miracle and would be reclaimed as whites and Europeans.

Romanticism. Romantics saw humans as essentially divided in national or ethnic groups. The German philosopher Herder encouraged Germans to be proud of their origins, their language and their national characteristics or national genius. Romantics longed for small, virtuous and "pure" communities in remote and cold places: Switzerland, North Germany and Scotland. When considering the past, their natural choice was Greece. The Philhellenic movement led to new archaeological discoveries as well as contributed to the Greek War of Independence from the Ottoman empire. Most Philhellenes were Romantics and Protestants.

This shift in historical perspective was used to justify widespread genocide on the African continent following the conference of 1886. By the turn of the century, King Leopold II of Belgium killed an estimated 11 million Africans living in what is now called the Congo. Estimates of genocide from other European countries range from between fifteen and thirty million. These estimates refer to killing Africans in their homes over and above the carnage caused by the European slave trade.

The books by Bernal were influenced by the pioneering research on African history by Cheikh Anta Diop. He was a Senegalese historian, anthropologist, and physicist who studied the pre-colonial origins of African culture. His research was based on the oral traditions preserved across the continent of Africa. As a result of Nazi propaganda, his research was largely rejected by western academia. The version of history Diop documents is consistent with the history presented by a majority of Africa spiritual traditions and is far more compelling than the current academic model.

The academic denial of the African origins of science, engineering, metaphysics, and cosmology is clearly implicit in the controversy over the age of the Sphinx.

Understanding the Sphinx answers the question; who we are and where do we come from?

There are political, social, psychological, scientific, and spiritual reasons for disagreeing about the origins and purpose of the Sphinx and the surrounding Giza Plateau. These conflicting agendas have historically been the source of war, genocide, the denigration of specific cultures, religious intolerance, the distortion of history and the need to demonize those who do not share the German world view.

These issues are the foundation of the unfounded idea intelligence is affected by the color of a person’s skin. The proof of this idea was, is and always will be non-existent.

The Great Sphinx of Giza is a limestone statue of a lion with a human head located near a group of pyramids commonly called the Giza complex. The statue is 240 feet long, and 66 feet high. The word Sphinx is a specific reference to a mythological figure found in Egyptian, Asian, and Greek mythology. Based on apparent modifications, it has a male head wearing the traditional crown of a Pharoah. A common variation of this Sphinx is the image of a Lion with a woman’s head and wings.

Western academia claims the Sphinx was carved out of a limestone rock around 2,500 BEC under the direction of Pharaoh Khafra. John Anthony West and geologist Dr. Robert Schoch examined the Sphinx in 1990 from a geological perspective. Based on their examination, Dr. Schoch concluded what was previously described by Egyptologists as wind erosion on the body of the Sphinx was water erosion. He theorized the Sphinx was built before a time of extensive flooding along the Nile River in the Giza Plateau. Using geological evidence in the landscape surrounding the city of Caro, John Anthony West and Dr. Robert Schoch wrote a summary of their observations claiming the Sphinx was over 11,500 years old.

The report was rejected by Western academia without a coherent rebuttal.

Thirty years after the analysis proposed by West and Schoch, Manichev Vjacheslav I, from the Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Alexander G. Parkhomenko from the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine made their own analysis of the geological features on the body of the Sphinx. These two geologist provide evidence that the erosion on the Sphinx was created at a time when the statue was covered with ocean water. In their analysis this would make the Sphinx at least 280,000 years old.

This analysis changes everything.

READ Chapter 2 
Ifà the Ancestral Wisdom of Ancient Yoruba Culture
on March 4th, 2024





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